柒叁 ART


14位青年艺术家展览进行时 | 《无定义世界》正式开幕

14位青年艺术家展览进行时 | 《无定义世界》正式开幕

柒叁| 展讯 ——《无定义世界》青年艺术家群展

柒叁| 展讯 ——《无定义世界》青年艺术家群展



展览进行时|“馆际联动 生息与共”——「一念山海 矢志不渝」

展览进行时|“馆际联动 生息与共”——「一念山海 矢志不渝」


  Imagine Van Gogh sitting on a discarded sofa smoking his cigarette behind a grimy alleyway. His top splattered with paint and baggy pants flowing down to his striped sandals.

想象一下梵高出现在一条肮脏的小巷后面,坐在一条废弃的沙发上抽着烟, 他的衣服沾满颜料,宽松的裤子一直拖到他的条纹凉鞋上。


How would one imaging Van Gogh if he were alive today?



His life, his habits, and his ordinary life. In fact, take any other historical figure for that matter. This is one of the few questions that artist Kwon Neung addresses in his realistic surreal paintings.



艺术信息 | ART PROD

Artistic Performance (2019) 193x97cm by Kwon Neung. Oil on Canvas. - 副本.png

Artistic Performance (2019) 193x97cm by Kwon Neung. Oil on Canvas.


Artistic luck (2020) by Kwon Neung. Oil on Canvas 150×87 cm.jpg

Artistic Afternoon (2017) by Kwon Neung. Oil on Canvas 233.6x91  cm.


Although the lives of famous artists like Andy Warhol or Bob Ross are well-recorded, there is a side of their lives that is not shown to the world. The face behind their artist persona, their subconscious self. Through painting, artist Kwon Neung invokes the viewer to seek out the story behind these figures’ daily life in order to help bridge a connection to them beyond the exhibitions, texts, and archived records of their celebrated lives. At the same time, he reflects on his own identity as an artist projected through the narratives and history that his works leave behind.


尽管安迪·沃霍尔( Andy Warhol)或鲍勃·罗斯(Bob Ross)等著名艺术家的生活被很好地记录下来,但他们生活中的某些方面却没有向世人展示,例如这些艺术家背后的面孔和他们潜意识中的自我。通过绘画,权能唤起让观众来寻找这些艺术家日常生活背后故事的意图。在他们的展览,文本,和档案记录之外,为观众建立起与艺术家沟通的桥梁。同时,他通过作品中所留下的叙事和历史来反应自己作为画家的身份。

Artistic Holiday (2020) by Kwon Neung. Oil on canvas 240×104 cm. - 副本.jpg

Artistic Holiday (2020) by Kwon Neung. Oil on canvas 240×104 cm

Gogh (2020) by Kwon Neung. Oil on canvas 108×72 cm. - 副本.png

Gogh (2020) by Kwon Neung. Oil on canvas 108×72 cm

Gogh (2020), portrays Van Gogh sitting in his room which is messy and filled with snippets of his works sprawled out before him. Bottles of soju and a pack of cigarettes are spread around him as he snacks on a bag of chips. The work details a simultaneously fun and sad look at Van Gogh’s health reimagined for modern audiences. The artist attempts to meticulously study the state of Van Gogh’s health and devises imagery that brings him to life. 



It is a reflection of Van Gogh’s poorly diet and excess amounts of alcohol which eventually led him to be diagnosed with malnutrition and alcohol addiction. At the same time, Kwon brings in minute discoverable elements for the viewer to pick out and connect to the work such as the potatoes and sunflower, meanwhile using the hip moniker of "Gogh" instead of Vincent.




Artistic late-night meal (2020) Oil on Canvas 72×50 cm. - 副本.png

Artistic late-night meal (2020) Oil on Canvas 72×50 cm.

Artistic Convenience store 2 (2020) by Kwon Neung. Oil on canvas 150×85 cm - 副本.png

Artistic Convenience store 2 (2020) by Kwon Neung. Oil on canvas 150×85 cm

Rather than just being a copy of an art style, Kwon displays a versatile set of techniques and also expands the discussion on appropriation within art. While he does appropriate the art style in a way that matches his composition, he differentiates himself by also including the image of the artists that he appropriates in a form of respect and humorous curiosity. A curiosity that perhaps looks back into an art student’s imagined encounter of the artist they studied through their textbooks and how they see themselves in the world of art.











权能的风格同时包含从其他画家那里以及从自己的作品中汲取到的各种元素。其中可以看出莱昂纳多·达·芬奇(Leonardo Da Vinci),约翰内斯·维米尔(Johannes Vermeer)的痕迹,也有像迪士尼动画电影《白雪公主》中那样更为现代的风格。长久以来,艺术家都会从其他艺术家那里借鉴一些东西来创作自己的作品。有些情况下,例如毕加索重新诠释迭戈·委拉斯凯兹(Deigo Velazquez)的系列作品《宫娥》( Las Meninas),就受到了尊重和欢迎。但在其他情况下,这则是一种盗用行为。例如,安迪·沃霍尔(Andy Warhol)就曾因为波普艺术而卷入了数起诉讼,起诉他将其他艺术家的照片重新用于他的作品中。
