柒叁 ART


14位青年艺术家展览进行时 | 《无定义世界》正式开幕

14位青年艺术家展览进行时 | 《无定义世界》正式开幕

柒叁| 展讯 ——《无定义世界》青年艺术家群展

柒叁| 展讯 ——《无定义世界》青年艺术家群展



展览进行时|“馆际联动 生息与共”——「一念山海 矢志不渝」

展览进行时|“馆际联动 生息与共”——「一念山海 矢志不渝」

柒叁展讯——新展预告「一念山海 矢志不渝」






 “一念山海 矢志不渝”


策展人\Curator:韩璐(HAN LU)

艺术家\Artist:安月瑶(AN YUEYAO)


地点\Venue:青岛市市北区银川西路138号 三合梅赛德斯-奔驰 2楼展厅(No.138,Yinchuan West Rd,Qingdao,Mercedes Benz ,2F Exhibition)

主办方\Sponsor:柒叁画廊QISAN GALLERY

联合主办方\Co sponsor:BOARDinG WORLD \ AnAn Private custom studio

协办方\Co-organizer:三合Mercedes Benz \ 大名角衍纸团队DA MINGJUE \ Casa Gaia艺术家居

展览前言|The Exhibition Preface


"Mountains and seas are majestic and inclusive, which can not be desecrated. Their energy is always integrated into thoughts, spirits, and actions by human will. Mountains and seas are hard to move. However, a strong will can bring a small body to the fearlessness of climbing, the freedom of riding the wind and waves, and the pleasure of the spirit. Crossing a mountain is like going for a dream. Mountains and seas also have their own forms, colors and sounds, attracting people of different languages, faiths, regions and skin colors to describe, narrate and admire. This is the power of mountains and seas, the power of nature, full of enthusiasm, passion and charm. Through the visual presentation experience in this theme exhibition, we hope to lead the audience to feel the majesty, inclusiveness, tranquility and magnificence of mountains and seas, feel the power of nature, enjoy the gift of nature to human spirit with this unswerving spirit of mountains and seas"

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ——柒叁画廊 QISAN GALLERY

参展作品预览(部分)|Preview Artwork

“ 预选作品以雪山为总切入点,分别展现了来自贡嘎、喇叭河山脉、木雅大寺、华尖山、甲根坝、木都垭口、甘孜、梅里的奇丽山色,皑皑白雪的辉映下透漏着山海的圣洁典雅。预选摄影作品色彩、光线独特而令人难忘,拍摄主体规划清晰,主次分明,画面简洁无杂乱无章之象,线数、弯曲、模式、形式、色彩、构图谨慎又充满着欣赏性和趣味性。每一张摄影作品的光线把控到位,明暗交接碰撞出山海的神秘莫测,有山海有崎路相辅相成。心中有美,眼中处处都是好风景,虽然是静止的画面,但是仿佛有律动的动感,层次丰富,高低起伏完美,画面大气磅礴:跌宕起伏,展示了西疆的幅员辽阔而没有压迫感,令观者心悦臣服,这是艺术家的强大,饱含艺术家对自然的敬仰,用艺术家的拍摄语言叙写赞歌。”


The pre selected works take the snow mountain as the general entry point, showing the Qili mountain colors from Gongga, Jiaohe mountain range, Muya temple, Hua Jianshan, jiagenba, muduyakou, Ganzi and Meili respectively. The holy and elegant mountain sea is revealed under the white snow. The color and light of the pre selected photography works are unique and unforgettable, the main body planning is clear, the main and secondary are distinct, the picture is simple without disorder, the line number, bending, mode The form, color and composition are cautious and full of appreciation and interest. The light of each photographic work is controlled in place, and the light and shade handover collides with the mysterious mountain and sea. There are mountain and sea and saki road complement each other. There is beauty in my heart and good scenery everywhere in my eyes. Although it's a static picture, it seems to have a dynamic rhythm, rich layers, perfect ups and downs, and a majestic picture: ups and downs, showing the vast territory of Xijiang without a sense of oppression, and the audience will be happy and submissive. It's the strength of the artist, full of the artist's admiration for nature, and using the artist's shooting language to write a hymn.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        —— HAN LU















关于艺术家|About Artist



“我认为我的世界是彩色的,童话般的存在;同时也是黑暗与光明交互的世界,纯粹而又干净。彩色的世果里,每个色彩都诠释着不同的自己。在欢乐的气氛中,展现着自己的独特魅力;黑暗的世界里有一束光,它们是最纯粹的存在,它们是希望,也是通往梦想的道路。我不喜欢循规蹈矩、 条条框框的去约束自己的灵魂深处的声音、束缚它应有的美,你创造了它,那么就是赋子了它生命的,它就是有意义的。所以在我看来,万物皆美,无需刻意去为了某事再去做某事。在《艺术与现实的审美关系》中作者曾提出:“艺术源于生活,却又高于生活”的概念。没有生活原型或者现象就没有艺术创作的源头和灵感,等同于生活中所有点滴小事与人的喜怒哀乐都是艺术的提供者和原形,等同于我也很喜欢将大自然、生活中所有存在的东西与它融为一体。艺术自由是包容和理解着创作者的一切。正如罗曼罗兰所说:“世界上只有一种英雄主义,就是在认清生活的真相之后,依然热爱生活 ”,如果可以,请为生活停驻。留点时间,享受所有一切美好。关照粟一羹汤,愿我们都勤靡余劳,心有常闲。”

" I think my world is a colorful, fairy tale like existence; it is also a world of darkness and light interaction, pure and clean. In the colorful world fruit, each color interprets a different self. In a happy atmosphere, it shows its unique charm; there is a light in the dark world, which is the purest pure, they are hope, and also the way to dream. I don't like to follow rules and regulations To constrain the voice in your soul and the beauty it should have, you create it, then it is endowed with its life, and it is meaningful. So in my opinion, everything is beautiful, so there is no need to do something for something. In the aesthetic relationship between art and reality, the author once proposed the concept of "art originates from life, but is higher than life". Without life archetype or phenomenon, there is no source and Inspiration of art creation. It is equivalent to that all the little things in life and people's emotions and sorrows are the providers and archetypes of art. It is equivalent to that I also like to integrate all the things in nature and life with it. The freedom of art is everything that includes and understands the creator. As Romain Rolland said: "there is only one kind of heroism in the world, that is, after recognizing the truth of life, still love life." if you can, please stop for life. Take time to enjoy everything. Take care of a soup of millet. I hope we are diligent and spare."