柒叁 ART


14位青年艺术家展览进行时 | 《无定义世界》正式开幕

14位青年艺术家展览进行时 | 《无定义世界》正式开幕

柒叁| 展讯 ——《无定义世界》青年艺术家群展

柒叁| 展讯 ——《无定义世界》青年艺术家群展



展览进行时|“馆际联动 生息与共”——「一念山海 矢志不渝」

展览进行时|“馆际联动 生息与共”——「一念山海 矢志不渝」

  • 城市


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【境随心转】--- 黄海怡个展

展览海报 - 压缩.jpg



展览地址丨address:山东省青岛市黄岛区海军路1000号东方时尚中心27号独栋 柒叁画廊


指导单位丨Guidance unit:青岛西海岸新区工商业联合会(民营经济发展局)

协办单位丨co-organizer:青岛市黄岛区非公有制经济组织青  年工作委员会, 青岛广播电视台 , 东方时尚中心 , GALA CLUB  青岛西海岸新区文化馆




The significant value of art lies in the artificial transformation of lifeless things and events into living things, conveying the spirit behind them, attracting the audience to feel and resonate, and generating internal connections and influences. Artist Huang Haiyi uses beauty as a rhetorical device, and her poetic expression depicts her pursuit of the true meaning of life, the truth of time, and her inner self. Her depiction of objects is not only about The imitation, recording, and emotional confession of all things in nature, the accumulation of layers of pigments, and the stacking of images, add up to the exploration of essential propositions about the past, future, and present. Everything condenses into countless present moments, and the dots in the picture, like stars, constitute the vastness of the universe. Perhaps what the audience sees is the dust particles in the picture, but in reality, it is the present moment condensed by the artist's pen that is related to the meaning of existence, In terms of painting art, she is more like a believer, using pure painting language and poetic expression to seek the true meaning of life existence. From the perspectives of material essence, human consciousness, and understanding of everything, she seeks ways to dispel doubts and see the world clearly.


Preview Artwork


《和光同塵》Acrylic on canvas 110x100 cm


Haiyi's visuals are composed of layers of colors, scenes, countless moments, and countless feelings. Behind each layer of visuals, there may be subtle changes in emotions, a cognitive overturn, or a new beginning. Countless colors, emotions, and moments create a rich visual story.


《人生若寄》Acrylic on canvas 100x80 cm


The expressive power of Huang Haiyi's works is complex, interwoven with emotions such as brightness, loneliness, happiness, sadness, and calmness, constantly revealing the natural laws of change, presented in her own aesthetic way. However, her works are not just superficial beauty, but convey the spiritual value behind beauty. Her technique of expression breaks away from the ordinary flat style. Through the creation of texture, special treatment of materials, and the addition of special pigments, it subtly contains a special visual experience, making the painting more expressive and thought-provoking. The viewer stays longer, emitting and releasing a stronger inner charm.


《境随心转》Acrylic on canvas 110x100 cm


Huang Haiyi's works focus on the most ordinary and easily overlooked objects and corners in the vast world, such as a stone, a fine grass, or a secluded place. These inconspicuous objects and corners silently observe the changes of human society in the torrent of time. At the same time, they are deeply immersed in the migration of the times and are influenced by it in a subtle way, whether in appearance or internal life evolution. They coexist with humans as a community in the universe and the world. When these silent objects are portrayed by the artist from a staring perspective as the protagonist, it seems that they also activate the energy of life. They have language and communication systems that humans cannot understand due to limited knowledge, their own color symbols, and genetic codes that continue "survival". In the quiet corner, they attract the coexistence of weal and woe, silently displaying the unique charm of life.


《Swing》Acrylic on canvas120x90 cm


《Randomness》Acrylic on canvas100x80 cm


《Loquacity》Acrylic on canvas100x80 cm


Huang Haiyi is very good at handling this sense of calm and tranquility. Her paintings are rich and thought-provoking in color, although she does not have a passionate desire for dryness, it is instead the beauty of the peaceful years that soothes people's hearts. Her perspective is delicate and soft, with a unique temperament of female artists, like a melody that melodiously describes the story of life from beginning to end.
